Don Hunter
I am continually amazed at how God designed us to live in community and be sharpened by one another as the Proverb goes. Its impact plays out in my life, and a key area of inspiration has come from the Iron Sharpens Iron events. As a business owner with 5 children, I am in a life stage where it's easier to be reactive and complacent to taking life as it comes. However, the quarterly cadence of ISI events encourages and inspires me to be proactive and intentional in the 4 fold areas of life (Family, Finance, Fitness, and Faculty) with Christ at the center. It's a blessing to hear wise counsel from men who have already blazed strong trails in these areas, and to have accountability with men in the community who are on a similar path as me. I believe that because of my participation in ISI, I am able to be a better and more equipped son of the King, husband to my wife, father of my children, coworker to my peers, and contributor to my community.
Matt Pahl
I love the space that Iron Sharpens Iron has created for growth personally, professionally, and spiritually. Rarely do you see all of these merged together in one retreat. That’s not even the best part! The fellowship during these retreats are by far my favorite part. The conversations had are so rich and refreshing. Everyone is there to grow, to learn, and help each other take their next steps in their journey of life. It’s truly an amazing experience and atmosphere to be part of.
Jon Emerson
ISI has been a game-changer for me by providing me with a mental framework that brings focus and clarity to both my personal and professional life. Every time I come home from a retreat, I feel simultaneously challenged and encouraged by the men I’ve just spent the last 24 hours with. I strive to approach all areas of my life with intention and purpose, and ISI has helped me maintain that drive more than anything else.
Anthony Campana
Iron Sharpens Iron was a great fit for me as someone who was recently married and a very new dad. ISI helped me to really focus on what matters most in my life, but also ensuring balance in those areas as well. The things that I have learned here are tools that I will use and build on for the rest of my life. I am extremely appreciative of the opportunity.
Jordan Acer
2018, what a year! Last year will be forever etched into my memory as the year I started my involvement with Iron Sharpens Iron (ISI). What I thought was going to be an opportunity to connect with men my age and in my stage of life, turned out to be so much more. ISI has been a life-giving opportunity to step away from the busy day to day to consider how to be a better version of myself; an opportunity worth every minute. My hope is that those who attend, come away refreshed and ready to have a greater impact on the world around them.
David Mariano
Most of the growth I've experienced in the past year has been because of Iron Sharpens Iron. Like a lot of people, I like to learn and read a lot about improving myself in many parts of my life, but Iron Sharpens Iron has helped me take action. The content AND accountability have been paramount. I'd have to say the best part has been building great relationships with other men who want to grow in every area of life. It's amazing how refreshing and challenging these 24 hours can be.